Renewable energies are among the most promising growth markets of the coming decades. In the case of green hydrogen in particular, a significant increase in demand is expected due to the energy transition that has been initiated and the associated climate policy goals to protect our planet, because green hydrogen is considered by many energy experts to be the "crude oil of the future".
The importance of producing green hydrogen at reasonable prices is also reflected in the federal government's plans to promote green gold through an innovation fund endowed with nine billion euros. The goal is to support particularly energy-intensive sectors such as the steel and chemical industries on their way to climate neutrality.
Hydrogen is considered "green" when it is produced with the help of renewable energies.
The GEP generates electricity from biogas and hydrogen using this electricity from the by-product of the biogas plant. In this way, GEP positions itself in this growing future market and at the same time assumes social responsibility.
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also engage. This appears to be the economic connection to the world economy for the African continent.
Germany and Namibia sign hydrogen partnership
08/26/2021 Internationalization of Germany, Bi-/Multilateral
Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek and the Director General of the Namibian Planning Commission Obeth M. Kandjoze have concluded a hydrogen partnership between Germany and Namibia and signed a joint communiqué of intent (“JCoI”) on August 25, 2021 in Windhoek and Berlin. Here to download as a pdf file in English.